Path as Place

An Approach to Designing Place Between Places

The paths we travel are just as impactful to our human experience as the destinations to which they lead. How we consider and create the spaces we move through has the power to deeply improve the human experience. We spend so much time in the seemingly in-between – the spaces between our destinations, making it essential that we treat these spaces with the same attention and design intention as we do places.

Our linear systems of streets, highways and trails are arguably the largest part of the public realm – and the lack of design intention of these spaces may just be the greatest missed opportunity of our time. Using Path as Place as a concept for reframing the conversation around these in-between spaces will lead to design outcomes that change the fabric of the community for the better.


• Perspective

Path as Place is an approach to changing the way we experience the spaces between point A and point B. When, to whom, and how we talk about our moments in motion is critical to a project’s ultimate success.

The Experiential Side of Transportation

• Webinar
American Planning Association

Presented to APA’s Transportation Division in one of their most well-attended online sessions.

What is Landscape Architecture, Really?

• Webinar
TICCO + American Society of Landscape Architects

Interviewed for session 1, episode 2 of TICCO’s Shaping Cities series.

Take the Space

• In-person Presentation
SF Design Week

Speaker at 2019 SFDW event ‘Creative Women, Creative Leadership’, helping to empower an audience of talented women find confidence in their own approach to leadership.

21st Century Street Design

• In-person Presentation
American Planning Association

A presentation to over 500 in New York at the 2017 National Planning Conference.

Embracing Path as Place

• Planning Magazine Article
American Planning Association

To create healthy urban spaces we need to overcome the inertia of the conventional transportation culture, which is rooted in the language we use to describe it.